Make a 'gamemodes' folder in the 'garrysmod' server folder.
It can take like 1 hour.Ĩ.When it's finished, go to your force_install_dir directoryĩ.Edit your cfg files in the server folders and make sure everything is how you wish it to beġ0. Don't use it with random people on the internet.ġ.Download SteamCMD from the Valve Developer page, or simply Google for 'SteamCMD'Ģ.Download it, and extract the steamcmd.exe somewhere you wantģ.Run it, and wait 'till everything loadedĤ.Log in anonymously by typing in 'login anonymous' without the quotesĥ.Type in 'force_install_dir C:\' again, without the quotesĦ.Type in 'app_update 4020 validate' without quotesħ.Wait until everything downloaded. You can only make a simple sandbox server.
Hamachi is insecure, and does not have many features. I will try to explain this as short as possible.